Every country, every language, every accent has a unique nature. We understand this, and thanks to our native speakers we are able to adapt to the specific qualities of each environment and record their messages in a unique way.
The relationship with our native speakers goes beyond the mere recording. We share an idea, a passion, a goal. Being the best at what we love doing the most, with professionalism, trust, kindness and empathy.
These are the latest voice over demos on our website in native languages and foreign English accent.
English language
USA accent:
- Dana. Listen to her native demos:
- Axel. Listen to his native demos:
- Brian. Listen to his native demos:
Foreign accent:
French language
French accent:
- Beatrice. Listen to her native demos:
- Guy. Listen to his native demos:
- Veronique. Listen to her native demos:
Japanese language
Native accent:
Portuguese language
Portuguese accent:
Brazil accent:
- Fabiano. Listen to his native demos:
- Rafael. Listen to his native demos:
- Roberto. Listen to his native demos:
Spanish language
Spain accent – European accent:
Meet our more than 2000 native speakers in 90 languages in e-learning, corporate, IVR and commercial. Professionals who put their voices at the disposal of the most significant brands in the world, and of new entrepreneurs too. Voice talents with extensive experience who have decided to join DVO – Dani Voice Overs.
We are different and so are our voice over talents. If you want to be part of our network of professional native speakers, please register here.