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Browse more than 2000 voices by language

Looking for voice over artists?

All voice over artists from DVO are native, an all the demos published in our website have passed a strict quality test. If you need voice over for your project at DVO, we have a wide selection of international voice over talents.

Perform a search based on language. At DVO we have a large number of languages, which range from the most widely spoken languages in the world -such as Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese or Russian- to rarer options -such as Farsi, Marathi, Setswana, Khmer, Urdu or Basque.

Our Online Voice Search Engine includes more than 3,000 demos in 90 languages.

One language can be spoken in different parts of the world, but each area gives it its own special touch, a distinct accent. For this reason, our Online Voice Search Engine also offers the possibility to select the language and area accent. It has specific fields for European Spanish, Latin Spanish or neutral Spanish; European or Canadian French; Portuguese for Portugal or for Brazil; Cantonese, Mandarin or Chinese from Taiwan; English for America, Australia, South Africa, Canada, UK… Whichever accent you need, we got it.

There are messages that reach further if they are spoken by a female voice, and others that simply sound better with a male voice. Age is also an important factor for certain types of communication. A recording done with a child’s voice will not have the same kind of impact as an audio recorded by a young person or an adult.  You can filter your online voice search based on gender and age in order to find exactly what you need.

At DVO, we are experts in online voiceover

We have all the necessary knowledge to meet the client’s needs. Our professional voice over talents have lots of experience in the industry, and they have the right skills to work on e-learning projects, corporate projects, commercial recordings, training, gaming or IVR. Performing a search based on categories can help you save time.

Once you have selected a voice, we will help you with the different stages of the project: pre-production, recording and post-production. Furthermore, we guarantee the best quality in our services thanks to our strict DVO quality standards and our thorough QA controls, which are implemented firstly by the voice-over talent, and by the editors at DVO after that.