Professional subtitling: how to achieve quality video subtitles. When we create an audiovisual production, it’s all about communicating. We want our message to reach everyone who plays the video. And the advantage of the format is that it can be viewed by anyone who accesses it from anywhere in the world, thanks to the Internet.

Interview with José María del Río: “I recommend never saying ‘I’ve already arrived,’ but rather ‘I’m on my way.’ With a career spanning 50+ years, José María del Río is one of the golden names in Spanish voice industry. Born on November 25, 1942, in Madrid, he is known for voicing important personalities in documentaries

Interview with Gaby Jiménez, the Spanish voice of Wolverine. We can’t stress enough that taking care of our voice is key to count on it for a long time. Voice talents and voice actors must be very careful not to lose it because it is their work tool, and after having received the magnificent advice

The Best Professional Video Editing Software. Be it between cats or dogs, Coke or Pepsi, Mac or PC… life always presents us with choices. Some of them are quite simple: we just pick what we like the most or what we’re used to and that’s that. End of story. But when it comes to choosing

The Best Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). Sound editing is essential in voiceover. Voiceover isn’t just recording a good reading, it’s quite advisable to have a good knowledge of sound editing to achieve the best possible outcome for the process. We won’t explain here all the necessary steps for quality voiceovers (we already covered that here

Tips to become a skilled film and video editor. “A good editor doesn’t work miracles, but a bad one can cause disasters“ (Renato Sanjuan, editor of Carmen y Lola, nominated for Best Film at the 2019 Goya Awards) We now live in a fully audiovisual world, where everyone has the opportunity to edit his/her own

AI Voices or Human Voices. In DVO we are feeling the pull of the future tugging right at us in the form of Artificial Intelligence! Synthetic voices are becoming more and more popular, and while in DVO we will always recommend the human touch, because nothing beats a real human voice, we also want to

Live recording sessions. What are they, how do they work and what do you need?. Voice-over has evolved very, very fast. The days when you could only record in professional studios under the supervision of an engineer and a director are over. Coronavirus challenged societies to consider and accept new ways of working… remotely, in

The 10 Best Voice Performances in Video Games. There was a time when video games didn’t have any voices, firstly because the technology didn’t allow it, and secondly, because gaming back then wasn’t considered a form of storytelling so much. But then things started to change: videogames matured and began telling stories with some depth,