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The Imaginarium of DVO with Pablo: How to Prepare a Recording

The Imaginarium of DVO with Pablo: How to Prepare a Recording

The Imaginarium of DVO, a place for wonder and knowledge, welcomes our Spanish voice over talent Pablo, who is giving us some tips on how to work with a recording script.

The first thing we all must learn and understand is that not every audio script can be prepared the same way. Each project requires a different approach. A commercial voice-over recording, for example, will demand a concrete technical preparation, while another type of voice-over category project, like an e-learning or an IVR, will have different preparation needs.

In this audio for the Imaginarium, he focuses on corporate scripts. This is his working method to deliver a professional audio:

A previous contact with the script is convenient. Read the script out loud.

Have a second reading, but this time use a pencil to mark the pauses in the script. It is mandatory to place the pauses right to make sure you do not run out breath in the middle of a sentence. The listeners also need some pauses, breaks, to absorb and understand the text.

Use a pencil to point out important parts of the script. For example, he draws an arrow when a fast pace is required, or a wavy line to know he hast to slow down. Pablo also makes a small circle in those words that are extremely relevant and have to be stressed.

Steady paces make our voice looks like a machine, that is why the tempo has to be changing through the whole voice over. We transmit closeness when we use various rhythms because it breaks the monotony.

Listen to his Spanish demos with and European Spanish accent for commercial, corporate and elearning voice overs

We have already talked on this blog about how a company should prepare a proper e-learning script for voiceover talents. See it here

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