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Back to School with New Professional Native Speakers in DVO

Back to School with New Professional Native Speakers in DVO

We are back to school, because we are no fools, and we do it with new professional native speakers on our website. We’ve got new female and male talents, new languages, new accents, new categories, and of course, different voice ages.

Dubbing your content into multiple languages means you can reach more customers whose mother tongue isn’t English.Don’t miss out and find out thelatest voice over demos on our website in native languages and foreign English accent.

Bengali language

Native accent

  • PrasenjitListen to his native demo here: 

Chinese language

Taiwanese accent

  • JenListen to her native demos here: 

Danish language

Native accent

  • Jan Park. Listen to his voiceover demos here: 

English language

Australian accent

  • RussellListen to his voiceover demos here: 
  • FeitsmaListen to her voiceover demos here: 

Foreign English accent

  • MonikaListen to her voiceover demos here: 
  • Rosi. Listen to her voiceover demos here: 

United Kingdom accent

  • MelanieListen to her voiceover demos here: 
  • GavinListen to his voiceover demos here: 

English neutral accent

  • NickListen to his voiceover demos here: 

French language

French accent – European accent

  • JeromeListen to his voiceover demos here: 

Italian language

Native accent

  • MarioListen to his voiceover demos here: 

Japanese language

Native accent

  • MaliListen to her voiceover demos here: 

Polish language

Native accent

  • MonikaListen to her voiceover demos here: 

Spanish language

Spain accent – European accent

  • LauraListen to her voiceover demos here: 
  • EduardoListen to his voiceover demos here: 

Latin accent

  • JuanListen to his voiceover demos here: 
  • RosiListen to her voiceover demos here: 

Vietnamese language

Native accent

  • DienListen to his voiceover demos here: 

Meet our more than 2000 native speakers in 90 languages in e-learning, corporate, IVR and commercial. Professionals who put their voices at the disposal of the most significant brands in the world, and of new entrepreneurs too. Voice talents with extensive experience who have decided to join DVO – Dani Voice Overs.

We are different and so are our voice over talents. If you want to be part of our network of professional native speakers, please register here.

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