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Present and Future of Voice over: the Trends in 2021

Present and Future of Voice over: the Trends in 2021

Voice Over Trends

Voice Over Trends in 2021. Digital transformation is speeding up due to Covid-19. Consumer behaviour, and marketing strategies (including advertising spending), have shifted. Not to mention the rise of remote working: offices are becoming less and less necessary in companies.

If we look at the future, it’s impossible to consider marketing, advertising and voiceover without taking into account the changes brought about by the pandemic. Changes that compressed five years’ worth of digital transformation into just one year. All these developments we have experienced make us think that 2021 will be, more than ever, the year of online voiceovers.

What will the main trends be this new year in the world of voiceover?

Voiceover is heading even more towards online work.

In 2020, the number of projects at Dani Voice Overs increased considerably compared to the previous year. This data shows how many clients, motivated by the coronavirus crisis, the confinements and the impossibility for many voiceover artists to access their usual recording studios, decided to order the work online. This situation led to a logical consequence; the number of voice talents who signed up for voice-over agencies to get hired online grew last year.

Therefore, we can confirm that more people than ever, both clients and voice actors, are looking to carry out their voice-over projects online.

More demand is expected for e-learning courses and online training.

The coronavirus crisis has caused that many businesses are now run from home, totally or partially. We’ve had to find solutions to new challenges in order to remain competitive. Schools or companies that never considered delivering their training remotely have understood the situation and opened up to online courses due to Covid19-caused needs and the demand for this new format of education.

It’s expected that the production of online educational content will increase considerably in 2021. It’s undoubtedly one of the most important trends to take into account. Companies need to reinvent their internal training programs to offer a remote alternative. Corporate learning and development programs will also be challenged to offer quality online alternatives.

The eLearning industry will be full of innovation, and online learning will be more important than ever; and voice-overs for eLearning courses will become a priority.

Increased presence of real-time recording sessions

Coronavirus has forced us to accelerate technological evolutions, it has challenged us to reflect and admit new ways of working, remote working. This transformation could be incredibly positive for our business. It is becoming more and more common for clients to request live remote recording sessions.

These live client-directed voice-over sessions are becoming more and more common, especially for TV commercials, radio spots or Internet videos. For this type of work it is usual for the client to want to be present during the recording session to direct and provide a better understanding and control of the creative approach. Due to the logistical and mobility problems caused by coronavirus, live recording sessions are an effective alternative. In addition, it’s becoming easier to set up such sessions.

Consolidation of online video as the best digital tool to reach new customers - greater audio presence

Companies, brands, are tasked with reaching an audience that is home-based. What is the fastest and most effective way to have conversations with these consumers?  Through videos on the Internet. These’ve been the big stars of 2020. As Internet browsing time increased, so did the production of video content.

Last year, we discovered that we needed video more than ever to make up for what the coronavirus took away. Video to replace events, to catch up with friends and family, or simply to be entertained or share moments. Life has become more virtual than ever.

Now, companies must adapt their content strategies to reach new customers and they know that the best tool is video, and that is great news for voice talents.

We agree that 2020 wasn’t an easy year for anyone, we suffered it, but it also helped us remember we were born with the gift of laughter, solidarity, friendship, happiness. We’ve managed to adapt to a year that’s been full of challenges, but fortunately, 2021 can be the year of opportunities.

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One thought on “Present and Future of Voice over: the Trends in 2021

  • voice-over artist

    Anyone can make their career as a voice-over artist With the unique skill to specifically prove the thoughts, emotions, and actions of prospective viewers and listeners. Thanks for sharing great information about the voice-over artist career.



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